
every cat with an owner,?( 14?), is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning.


14. [a] by chance ??

[b] in contrast ????????

[c] a
s usual

[d] for instance

every cat—01


本句的骨干为“every cat is running a small-scale study”,归于“主谓宾规划”,语句是“如今进行时”的时态。


做这个标题的要害是要联络前句话里的“animals would ( 13 ) what experiment on humans”,这儿作者说到动物会在人类身上做啥样的实验。而此处是具体的一种动物“猫咪”,所做的实验是“a small-scale study”,很显着这归于举例联络。


14. [a] by chance?????偶尔 ???

[b] in contrast ????????? 相反 ?????????

[c] as usual ???????????? 一般

[d] for instance ????????例如

every cat—02


第14题正确答案为【d】选项:举例联络是考研完形填空的常考标题类型,常见的标志词有for example;for instance;such as等。



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we believe that?( 15?) animals ran the labs, they would test us to?( 16?) the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for locations.

15. [a] if ??????假定;假定 【条件状语】

[b] unless ??????除非????? 【条件状语】

[c] as ?????????因为;当……时;即便

[d] lest ????????只怕;以免 ??【意图状语】

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