这是 一向配偶 的第 703 篇文章
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its destructive side is obvious. furious people are not much fun to work with, and less fun to work for. a short-fused boss is likely to instil fear among employees and to discourage people from speaking up. anger can also engender poor performance. anyone who has ever been riled by a rude email or uncivil colleagues knows how in such circumstances suddenly nothing else matters. every spare bit of cognitive power is redirected to thinking of devastating put-downs from which the offender will never recover; other tasks can wait.
01 furious
标明 very angry「狂怒的,暴怒的」。
she was furious with herself for letting things get out of hand.
02 infuriated
派生主动词 infuriate,标明 to make sb extremely angry 「使大怒,激怒」。
the sales clerk was being shouted at by an infuriated customer.
03 in a rage
rage 作名词时,常标明 a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger「盛怒,狂怒」。常和 in 分配运用,即 in a rage。
sam became quite frightening when he was in a rage.

04 rile
rile 是动词,标明 to make someone extremely angry「激怒,使非常生气」。在本段中有呈现。
he was the calmest guy i ever knew – nothing ever riled him.
他是我知道的最镇定的人 — 没有啥事能让他生气。
六级 + 考研词汇
fuse 作名词有「导火索」的意思。导火索易燃易爆破,所以作动词的 fuse 有「熔化」之义。假定咱们两只手别离拿的不是物品,而是文明、思维,把它们熔化会怎么样呢?文明、思维「交融」在了一同,也就是 to combine different qualities, ideas, or things, or to be combined。这个引申义是不是牢牢地种在脑瓜里啦?
dreams and reality fuse in her latest film.

再来看 2012 年英二考研阅览中的一个语句。其间 intrinsically 也是考研词汇,标明「本身地,内在地」。
it is not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girls’ identity to appearance.
并不是粉色本身不好,而是它只是七颜色虹中的一小道而已。粉色虽在某种程度上赞许了少女年代 ,但也一而再将女孩的特质与表面牢牢地交融在一同 。
have a short fuse 是固定分配,意思是 to have a tendency to get angry quickly and easily「脾气火爆,性格浮躁」。假定有人动不动就发火,就可以用上这个短语。由此衍生出 short-fused 这个描述词,恰当于 bad-tempered。《经济学人》的另一篇不是讲职工发脾气,而是老板。
celebrity bosses used to have nicknames that made a virtue of short fuses and brutality.
in one paper on the effects of rudeness on medical professionals, arieh riskin of bnai zion medical centre in haifa and his co-authors describe a training exercise in which teams of israeli physicians and nurses treated a mannequin of a baby. the teams were joined by someone billed as a visiting expert from america, who offered studiously neutral comments to some groups and made unprompted and disparaging remarks about the quality of medical care in israel to others. the teams that had suffered rudeness performed significantly worse.
整段译文:在一篇论说粗鲁对待医疗专业人员影响的论文中,来自海法 bnai zion 医疗中心的 arieh riskin 及合著者描绘了一次培训活动,几组以色列医生和护士对一个婴儿模型在进行医治。一位据介绍是美国来访专家的人参加了这些小组,关于其间一些小组,他的谈论故意坚持中立,而关于另一些小组,他却主动宣告了降低以色列医疗质量的言辞。这些遭到无礼对待的小组体现显着更差。
mannequin /?m?n?k?n/
指的是商铺顶用于铺排服装的「人体模型」,行话叫「人台」;医疗或艺术教育用的人体模型多用 manikin。另外也指「服装模特」,类似 model。对非医学专业的同学来说,这个词随意一看,不需要过脑子。

be billed as …
bill 这个单词很有意思,既是「账单」,也是付账单的「美元」。不过,它也可以作动词,标明 to advertise or describe something in a particular way「把某物宣传为……」,常用于被逼,构成 be billed as sth。下面咱们来看 2021 年英二完形填空中的一句话。
airlines have simply changed the time a trip is meant to take. a one-hour flight is now billed as a two-hour flight.
这个副词的意思是 in a way that is carefully planned and deliberate「故意地,成心肠」,恰当于 intentionally, deliberately 等。
he studiously avoided answering the question.
描述词是 studious,描述人 spending a lot of time studying and reading「勤勉的,吃苦的」。所以想描绘年青人勤勉,咱们可以用 a studious young man 来替代用了许多遍的 a diligent young man。差异在于,前者在外刊中的运用频率较低,但也不是那种平常写作、口语根柢不会用到的老词。在上一年一则有关霉霉的新闻中,标题就有 studious。
by getting involved in their community discussions you can surround yourself with highly driven and studious peers.

去掉前缀 un- 和后缀 -ed,prompt 显露了鸡脚。这是一个四级 + 考研词汇,用来标明 to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to hap
职场暴脾气是好是坏《经济学人》外刊精读考研译文_网易订阅(职场有脾气 好事还是坏事?)插图
this examination confirmed the presence of academic misconduct, prompting the university to take immediate action.
由此可见,unprompted 大约是「不被致使的」意思。啥是不被致使?自觉的行为就不需要其他外界要从来影响。所以这个描述词的意思是 said or done without anyone asking you to「主动的,自觉的」。
quite unprompted, sam started telling us exactly what hadhappened that night.
这个描述词派生主动词 disparage,标明 to suggest that sb / sth is not important or valuable「降低,小看」。饭圈常见的「拉踩」是指赞许甲,冲击乙,所以咱们可以译为praise a by disparaging b。
作为描述词,disparaging 天然就是「降低的,冲击的」。比方,disparaging remarks / comments 是指「贬损的言辞」。这个表达在 2002 年的考研阅览中呈现过。
with other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman.
anger can have a galvanising effect in specific circumstances. a study by barry staw of the university of california, berkeley, and his co-authors analysed half-time team talks by college and high-school basketball coaches in america, and found that expressions of negative emotions such as anger and disappointment were associated with better second-half outcomes—up to a point. when coaches reached the bulging-eyeballs stage, rage started to have the opposite effect.
整段译文:在特定景象下,愤恨也能发生鼓励作用。加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的巴里 · 斯托(barry staw)及其合著者的一项研讨分析了美国大学和大学篮球教练在中场歇息时的团队说话。成果发现,愤恨和绝望等负面心境的表达与下半场非常好的成果有关,但仅限于必定程度。当教练们到了怒不可以遏的期间,愤恨初步发生相反的作用。
one time 是一次,所以 half time 是「半次」?half time 指的是「中场歇息时刻」。与之相对的是 full-time 「终场」。
the score was tied at halftime.
派生主动词 galvanize,意思为 to make sb take action by shocking them or by making them excited「使振奋,鼓励」。类似 encourage, motivate, inspire 等。所以 galvanising 意思是「令人为之一振的」。尽管四六级、考研等考试没考过这个词,可是外刊挺常用。话都说到这儿了,不上个外刊例句说不曩昔,《经济学人》走一个。
a push by latin american central banks to promote qr-style digital payments could galvanise fintech platforms in latin america, such as mercado pago.
拉美各国央行推广二维码式数字付出,可以会推进 mercado pago 这类金融科技平台的打开。
up to a point
标明「在必定程度上」,恰当于 partly, in part, to some degree, to a certain extent。2015 年 12 月六级听力用过该短语。
with money and careful planning, we can boost efficiency up to a point.

bulge 常标明「凸起,鼓起有些」。生气时,有些人的双眼会鼓起来,在汉语中,有个词来描述这种状况:鼓睛暴眼。英语的 bulging-eyeballs 与之类似,指「双眼杰出的」。文中 reached the bulging-eyeballs stage 字面意思是「到了眼球杰出的期间」,咱们可意译为「到了怒不可以遏的期间」,让辞意愈加理解。 ?

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